After You Move, Try Walking

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If you’re thinking of making a move to a new city on the other side of the country, you’re in for a new life, as well as a bit of adventure. Hopefully, you’ve already done your research and you’ve found a reliable Coast to Coast Mover to bring your things to your new destination, but once you’re there, you should try something a bit different.

You’ve just driven for days, or flown on a plane, and now you’re in your new city.

Try walking.

GPS Isn’t The Same As Knowing Your Neighborhood

Modern transportation, especially in new places, is about one thing; listening to either voice directions, or periodically checking the screen on a GPS locator device. This will get you from point A to point B as quickly as possible in your new city. But you won’t get to actually KNOW your new city this way.

You may have spent several years—or an entire lifetime—growing up in another town or city. You know that place. You know the shortcuts, the restaurants, the most scenic spots to enjoy the sunset, or the little hole in the wall that has some of the best fish n’ chips you’ve ever eaten.

A GPS locator isn’t going to teach you any of these things.

Getting to know a new city is like getting to know a new acquaintance and possibly friend. You have to make the time and effort to get better acquainted. Even Google Streetview isn’t going to teach you all the best shortcuts that may be in your new neighborhood, or the fact that there’s a place in the area that is an amazing impromptu skate park for people that enjoy using skateboards.

In the same way, keeping your eyes glued to the road for safe driving, and listening to a GPS voice list off driving directions won’t give you the luxury of noticing the shops in a shopping district, or the promising restaurants with menus helpfully attached to the windows. You won’t be able to appreciate the atmosphere of the public enjoying a nice night while street performers engage their attention.

These are all the little things that make a city worth living in, but you’re only going to realize what they have to offer once you step out of the car and take the time to really explore this new place.

After all, in a little while, it’s not going to be a new place, it’s going to be YOUR place. Start finding out what’s in it.

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